Richard and I went to the Key West - the most Southerly point of the US of A, mostly because I wanted to drive over the bridges to get there.
The Keys is an odd place - beautiful low lying islands that end where the mangroves reach the sea; bursting with tropical greenery but no beaches. The Keys are an area of natural beauty and, so that everyone can enjoy them the Americans have built a massive highway down the middle so you can get to Key West.
Once you arrive, you can queue to have your photo taken next to a concrete painted boulder which says that this is 'The most Southerly point of the USA'. There are lots of bars, T-Shirt shops and a surprising number of galleries with pieces for $30k and $40k not uncommon. The town is not what I expected (quaint, monied); it's quite run down with small clapboard bungalows gently rotting in the humidity and chickens and cockerels scratching around.
As soon as we started our journey Jack rang to say that Emma had been sick - either separation anxiety after being in the same room/restaurant/car together for a week or else the astonishing multicoloured breakfast cereal she had chosen the day before. Ems was able to confirm that her output matched the picture on the box - no more of that healthy start to her day.
Richard and I didn't get back until 3. Ems looked fighting fit so we went out to the resort's putting green and then on to the pool.
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